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Studying Classical Texts

In this section you will find resources to help you study the classical texts on Arabic language, grammar, rhetorics, and more.

Prerequisite for this section

You can start reading these books alongside other courses. But ideally you should first complete the advance level on this site before you will be able to understand these books.

This is a work in progress and I will keep adding new books/resources so please check back often.

شرح قطر الندى

Sharh Qatr-an-Nada

This brilliant book will assist in revising and refreshing your previously-learnt rules of grammar, while simultaneously allowing you to implement them into one’s readings. Since you will already be familiar with a significant amount of their contents, it is only a matter of increasing your knowledge of the science while exposing oneself to the Arabic style. ~ at-Tahawi - MUSLIM BIBLIOPHILIA

The Qatr is considered an intermediate level text and provides more detail than the Ajurrumiyya and also discusses issues that do not appear in the latter.

Study Materials

  • You can download the book from here.
  • A brief explanation in English of Qatr an-Nada by Hashim Mohamed from al-Qalam institute can be found here.
  • Explanation of some chapters of the book by Sheikh Farid Dingle can be found here.