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Beginner Level

The beginner section will make use of the Madinah Arabic books.

Introduction to Madinah Arabic Books

Madinah Arabic books

Madinah Arabic books is the world renowned program of study to learn Arabic language, used in Madinah Islamic University. These books are written by Dr Abdur Raheem who very kindly has kept them royalty free. Which means you can download these books free from the web without violating any copyrights. By the end of these books, you will know and understand around 80% of the grammar of Quran, Insha Allah.

A note about the volume numbers

Originally Dr Abdur Raheem has written 3 volumes of Madinah Arabic books, or to give them their proper name دروسُ اللغةِ العربيةِ لـغير الناطقين بـها (Durûs al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah li-Ghair al-Nâtiqîna Bihâ). Now these books are popularly known throughout the world as Madinah books. When Goodwords books and other publishers published these books by the name of Madinah Arabic Readers, they divided these three volumes into further volumes so there are altogether 8 volumes. Since these books are being used as text books in many schools, making smaller volumes means that kids in the school can study one book per year and finish the whole program in eight years.

To summarize

  • Original Volume 1 = Madinah Arabic Reader volume 1 and 2
  • Original volume 2 = Madinah Arabic Reader volume 3, 4 and 5
  • Original volume 3 = Madinah Arabic Reader volume 6, 7 and 8

This gives rise to lots of confusion. So to clarify, when I refer to any volume of Madinah Arabic, I am referring to the original volume.

Prerequisite for this section

You must be able to read and write in Arabic fluently. If you do not know how to read or write in Arabic or if you want to brush up on your reading/writing skills you can first follow At-Tibyaan by Dr Abdur Raheem. Or any other book you may wish.